Sunday, April 1, 2012

BP 11 : Skyscrapers


 Sky Scrapers : Modern 

 As people began to flood America and land usage was expanding outwards with the arrival of immigrants into the American, space in many cities was growing tight. Because space and land patterning is essential to a city, many began to wonder if buildings could extend upwards to save space. Skyscrapers were born.  The first cranes were invented in the late 19th century which helped spawn the exploration of the use of upwards space. This allowed more buildings to be built in a condensed space and the idea of a "downtown" city was created.  Condensed buildings provided a contrasting landscape to the low flat buildings previously built.  Also, glass and steal have been explored previously with European buildings, but sky scrapers took these materials to a whole new level as they became more structural elements rather than decorative.  Brick was also used in earlier designs to help add structural support. These buildings became landmarks and popular destinations for businesses and people to see the rest of the city. Soon, other cities were trying to build structures and "outdo" other cities to have the tallest building. 
    "Modernism" itself was about creating buildings that have never been created before and trying new design ideas.  Sky scrapers were considered very modern for their time because they had a sleeker design with not much adornment on the outside and towered 12-20 stories above the previous buildings. The major cities such as New York and Chicago are iconic for their towering structures.  As the years progressed, technology became more efficient and materials strengthened to create the sky scrapers we know today.  As innovations continue to progress, skyscrapers will continue to build up and become stronger and sleeker. 

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